Month: September 2024

September 18, 2024

Thing to do this week to start protecting your customer data

You have client or customer data in your possession. It is part of running your business in a digital marke [...]

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September 11, 2024

What exactly is Malware? A definition and some common types. Read More

September 04, 2024

Leveraging your business data to drive better business outcomes

Smaller firms may hear about AI and how data is driving the big corporations of the world, but they often don’t realize [...]

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August 28, 2024

Roadmaps for Data Security and for Strategic Planning

It is time you were encouraged to stop looking at the technology you use to run your business as just some reliable piece of invisi [...]

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August 21, 2024

An MSP can help you prepare your business for tomorrow’s market

Many small businesses tend to view an MSP as the local fire truck. Available when an emergency happens, they rush in, p [...]

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August 14, 2024

MSPs can focus on issues you don’t have time for

Every business relies on technology to function. From simple things like email, VoIP, and the internet, all the way to predictive ana [...]

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June 12, 2024

8 Ways an MSP can help implement an AI solution

AI has some real attractions, and now that it has become so advanced, it has gained the attention of the public and the media. However, [...]

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June 05, 2024

Eight ways an MSP can help with an AI solution

AI, on its own, is a complex tool. It is also a tool that can be misapplied. Remember, the term artificial is key. To be [...]

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May 29, 2024

AI: Marketing and other sample uses- A quick introduction

As you are likely very aware, Artificial Intelligence has become a real attention getter in the business world, as well as pub [...]

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May 22, 2024

Marketing and AI

Suddenly, everyone is talking about artificial intelligence (AI). It is constantly in the news now. It suddenly is looming like some intimid [...]

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