3 steps you can take to protect your data in the Cloud

Moving to the Cloud offers tremendous benefits for SMBs that range from lower IT costs to any-time access to data and certainly more reliability in terms of uptime. But, data in the Cloud is also vulnerable to security threats just like the data stored on physical servers. This blog discusses 3 things you can do to protect your data in the Cloud.

Secure access: The first step would be to secure access to your data in the Cloud. Safeguard your login credentials—your User IDs and passwords—from prying eyes. Set strong password policies that are practiced across the board and educate your employees about good password hygiene. Also, if employees are using their own devices to access work-related applications and documents, formulate strong BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policies to prevent these devices from becoming entry points for cybercriminals.

Educate your employees: While cybercrime might conjure images of anonymous hackers, the biggest threat to your data and IT security often comes from your employees. Malicious employees can intentionally steal or destroy data, but unwitting employees can also become accomplices to cybercrime. Educate employees about cybersecurity best practices to avoid actions like forwarding emails with malicious attachments, clicking on phishing links, or compromising security by sharing passwords or connecting to unsecured public Wi-Fi.

Choosing the right Cloud service provider: When entrusting your data to the Cloud, it’s crucial to select a reliable and trustworthy Cloud service provider. The provider should be responsible for ensuring the security and accessibility of your data at all times. Evaluate the provider’s capabilities to fend off cyber threats and ensure the safety of your data.

Complete Cloud security is a combination of these steps along with internal policies, best practices, and IT security regulations. The Managed Service Provider (MSP) you choose to be your Cloud security provider also plays a significant role in ensuring the safety of your data.